Carpet for hiding the cat

Hello, welcome to my first homepage
(I'm so excited about it XD)

Special Thanks

Firstly I would like to give many thanks to my friend Kevin for telling me about a free computer science course (CS50x) also support and helping me to learn computer science.


I have never studying about computer science before so its really hard for me in earlier to follow the course, I have wondering many times is it not suitable for me ? Or am I dumb ? But I did not surrender and try to keep moving forward until now where I need to make a homepage for finishing my week 8 task. I gratefull that I can finish all my task until week 8 and i just need 2 more week to finish this course ( excluding the final project ). I hope that I can be a programmer like my friend Kevin and become as great as he is. I can not wait to finish this soon XD.
(Seeing the Cat pic will bring you luck XD)